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[Case Study] How Athena Went From Laid Off To Fortune 500 Job In Less Than Four Months


Athena came to Inspiring Hypnosis on TikTok with the opportunity to take advantage of a Free Hypnosis Session. She had been unemployed for 18 months and was being evicted from her home. If that wasn’t enough her home was flooded on Christmas morning leaving her unsettled and anxiety ridden.

“I remember looking at boxes in my home and the ceiling ripped open with water on the floor.”

Athena was struggling to gain her footing from what felt like a 20,000-foot-deep ditch she had fallen into. And the 15 years of therapy that she went through weren’t supporting her future vision. Athen was feeling vulnerable, her chest felt heavy, and she was unsure of what to do next.

The Process

Inspiring hypnosis approached Athena with a personalized hypnosis therapy strategy to combat trauma:

“When I came across you and took a deep dive into it, there was such a sense of safety with you. There was a sense of vulnerability that I was allowed to open up for the first time.”

Step 1: We Identified where she was and where the trauma and anxiety needed to be healed in her life.

Step 2: We figured out where she WANTED to be (we envisioned a 

positive future where something has changed)

Step 3: We determined a safe way to process the wounds from the past using hypnosis. We determine a different angle to remove the emotional reactions from past events.

Step 4: Transform: We began to transform by changing negative beliefs and inner self-talk. We start to look at life through a new lenses and new beliefs of confidence, self-love, and self-worth.

Step 5: Integration- We keep the lessons from the past and integrate them into the new vision of the present that will lead them to a new future.

The Results

Athena’s transformation happened soon after joining Inspiring Hypnosis in June of 2021. After just three months of going through her hypnosis milestone, she started to see major changes in her life. After four months, in October her newfound assertiveness and boldness allowed her confidently approach real estate millionaires. 

“Why don’t you take my phone number down and call me in 30 days.”

Soon after she landed a job taking care of over 20 high-end houses in San Francisco. She then went on to interview and secure a position inside Fortune 500 Ross Clothiers.

Athena went from being on the brink of eviction to being able to afford a two-bedroom dream apartment that cost $3,000 a month in less than Two Years. 

“I am joyful, happy, energetic, and feel like I live on this endless sunset beach with pom trees…. and there is a lot of love and joy in the air.”

Her next goal is to become a motivational speaker, artist, and author. Athena is now living the life that she wants to live! 

[Case Study] How Rosie Went From Anxiety-Ridden And Laid Off To Confident And In Control


Rosie came to Inspiring Hypnosis unable to regulate her anxiety after being laid off. Being a single mother of two girls she was struggling to remain calm because of her job loss and lack financial support.

“Before joining you I was in a very different situation than I am now”

Struggling to regulate her emotions, Rosie was feeling depressed about her life circumstances and letting them impact her life… Negative emotions were controlling her daily thoughts, decisions, and actions. She was struggling to find the tools that would remove the anxiety and depression in her life. 

Rosie needed a change and fast.

The Process

Inspiring Hypnosis approached Rosie with the “5 Signs that Unresolved Trauma Is Ruling Your Life” eBook. 

Shortly after reading about the benefits of hypnosis, she decided to book a Free Hypnosis Session.. During our session, Rosie mentioned that she instantly felt relief from her anxiety and depression. 

I then presented the support system to remove the blame, shame, guilt, and negative thoughts. 

Step 1: Operation Rapid Recovery – We put together a plan to remove years of bad habits, fear, and addiction so Rosie could become disciplined in your newfound action plan to recover.

Step 2: 1-1 Hypnosis sessions – During Rosie’s hypnosis session we took a deep dive into your personal experience, psyche, and subconscious mind. This allowed us to discover what she needed in order to find happiness and healing.

Step 3: Self Hypnosis Training – We equipped Rosie with self guide training and tools that equipped to continue down her journey toward happiness and healing.

Step 4: Attend Weekly Group Coaching – We gave Rosie access to a weekly hypnosis sessions and an accountability group so she could feel comfortable being vulnerable alongside those who are on a similar path to healing.

Step 5 : Sleep “Trauma Recovery” Course – We unlocked the “Four Phases of Healing Course” so Rosie could go from her current state of sadness and anxiety to living with a peaceful mind. This allowed her to wake up rested after 7 hours of deep sleep. (instead of tossing and turning all night)

The Results

Rosie has seen subtle and consistent change over time. The compounding effects of hypnosis allow her to take advantage of opportunities she would not have otherwise. 

She continues to listen to her session recordings which bring her a sense of hope and make her feel lighter. Rosie now has the edge to think differently, get out of her head, and remove the negative thoughts that held her back.  

Instead of feeling like she is being controlled by external forces. She now has a sense of grounding that helps her make better choices about the things she wants to do every day. 

[Case Study] How Gina Went From Negative Thoughts And Depression To A Positive Aura Of Love, Care, and Kindness


Gina came to me during a time she was dealing with trauma from her divorce. After spending years in regular therapy and money on medication she felt exhausted and frustrated. She was seeing a psychiatrist and doing 1 on 1 counseling over Zoom but wasn’t getting the relief she needed. 

Gina felt like she was spiraling downward and was in desperate need of someone that would get her out of her funk. Before joining the Inspiring Hypnosis Coaching Program she was struggling with anxiety, depression, and low self-worth. Gina needed to break away from the traditional “talk therapy” ways that weren’t working. 

“Here I am 63 years old and I have to start working on myself in a positive way.”

The Process:

Immediately after joining Gina felt the connection she needed to heal. We hoped on our first 1 on 1 session and laid out the framework of her transformation.

Step 1: We Identified where she was and where the trauma and anxiety needed to be healed in her life.

Step 2: We figured out where she WANTED to be (we envisioned a 

positive future where something has changed)

Step 3: We determined a safe way to process the wounds from the past using hypnosis. We determine a different angle to remove the emotional reactions from past events.

Step 4: Transform: We began to transform by changing negative beliefs and inner self-talk. We start to look at life through new lenses and new beliefs of confidence, self-love, and self-worth.

Step 5: Integration- We keep the lessons from the past and integrate them into the new vision of the present that will lead them to a new future.

Gina was skeptical at first:

“I didn’t think it would work this well. Even after the first session, I felt so much better than after that every step builds on itself.” 

The Results:

For Gina, the results came almost immediately from the weekly group hypnosis sessions. She began to rarely think about the negative thoughts that used to make her anxious.

“The group work is more beneficial than being in person because everyone has different thoughts… and everyone can benefit from that.” 

As her confidence began to soar she stopped thinking that people didn’t like her anymore! At work, people began to walk up to Gina and tell her that she gives off a positive aura of love, care, and kindness. 

Soon after, Gina’s health began to improve and her body no longer felt the pain it used to. She’s even considering asking her doctor if it’s ok to stop taking the two medications that she has been using for her prior symptoms. 

After spending years in regular therapy and money on medication she wishes she learned about hypnosis sooner.